Tuesday 19 September 2017

Latest Movie of 2017 "IT"

Excellent high-carat horror film exercise. Probably the best horror film in a long time and one of the most disturbing films of the year, and you get it with something that seems simple but it is very complicated to perform. In fact very few are able to get down to work and take advantage of what is really terrifying in a story. Getting cheap scares is very simple., Simply raise the music suddenly, make something out of nothing and, bingo, the viewer will jump in his armchair. But the scares pass, the adrenaline leaves the bloodstream and there is nothing left, just the feeling that maybe we have had our hair a little. Until the next scare. This is how movies123 horror  work too often, to the point that the scares are repetitive and predictable and end up not providing any kind of fear. But terror, the real fear, comes from anguish and anticipation. It comes from taking a real situation and making it disruptive. Something else. In that sensation of shiver that runs the back of the viewer to the nape of the neck leaving him exposed, trying to anticipate a scare that often does not even come.

The virtue of the film lies right in that situation. Take the everyday and pervert it. Of course there is the presence of Pennywise, disturbing in its essence, but part of the same idea. Drink everyday, sociable, sympathetic, that makes us laugh like it's a clown, and pervert it into a terrible evil presence that makes us have nightmares.

Andry Muschietti and showed that he could do something with Mom everyday figures, both in the short and in the film version, a good exercise of terror around motherhood, although it deflate in the final stretch. Here follows the same process, with the figure of the clown brilliantly played by Bill SkarsgÄrd, and adapting the first part of the novel by Stephen King, with this group of children faced with a supernatural (or not) entity that seeks to feed on your fears. Pennywise power then lies in weakening the characters, and what weakens us all, fear. And the fears are much closer and real than a clown with powers, believe me. That's where IT truly triumphs and takes all honors.

Which brings us to the truly terrifying thing about the film, beyond Pennywise. The inhabitants of the village. The world around the young, so dangerous or more so than the clown, so terrible that it causes chills and produces real fear. Yes, the most frightening thing about the film is not the villain, they are the ones who accompany our heroes. An overly protective mother, parents who ignore their children, others who force them to do terrible things (that slaughterhouse) and others who are abusive and dangerous. 

It is something that experiences in person the character of Lillis, not only with the terrible figure of his father, but even when going to the drugstore to buy certain things and the clerk well, in the trailer you can guess something, but you have to see it in person. That is where the 123freemovies triumphs as a real terror, that stays in the head of the viewer and produces nightmares, because it is fear of something that can really happen to all of us, or has happened to us. That's why IT is so clever (although Fukunaga left the project as director, his original script and something in the tone reminds him and, inevitably, True Detective for example) and that's why it is one of the best horror movies we have seen in a long time. 

1 comment:

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